Professional Standards
The Professional Standards Unit is responsible for hiring quality personnel, investigating complaints against Department employees, and maintaining training records and standards to ensure the officers receive the proper training.
It is the policy of the Raytown Police Department to investigate all complaints against Department personnel, regardless of the source of the complaint. Investigations of these complaints through standardized procedures demonstrates the Department’s desire to provide honest, efficient police service to the community we serve. The goal of the Professional Standards Unit is to ensure that the integrity of the Department is maintained through an internal system in which objectivity and fairness are guaranteed by an impartial investigation of complaints made against any of our employees, policies or procedures.
Another important role of the Professional Standards Unit is to hire highly motivated men and women who enjoy working with the public and delivering the highest level of professional service. Our employees must possess the following qualities:
Pride in Workmanship
High moral character
If you are seeking a career in an honorable profession and possess the mandatory qualities, please contact Capt. Jared Rogers at 816-737-6103 or rogersj@raytownpolice.org for more information or click below for the job description and salary information for each position.
We encourage applicants to do a ride-along. You can fill out the form here.
No Immediate Openings but we are accepting applications for future openings:
The Unit also maintains training records to ensure officers are in compliance with The Department of Public Safety’s Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Program, which requires officers to participate in training in specific core curricula areas.

Our department offers great pay and benefits, as well as supplying all of your police required equipment (including weapons) and excellent training. The annual starting salary based on the hourly rate, including holiday pay is:
Police Officer (MO Class A) $25.90/hr
Lateral Police Officer (Lateral pay offered based on experience)
Police Officer Academy Recruit: (PO pay, minus 10%)
Dispatcher: $21.37/hr
Detention Technician (Full Time): $19.45/hr
Various benefits include a clothing allowance, overtime pay, vacation pay, holiday pay, sick leave, life/disability/health/dental insurance plans, pension plan, and a voluntary deferred compensation plan.
Applicant Employment Process:
Application form and Employment Questionnaire (MUST be submitted together. CLICK each to access.)
Written examination
Physical agility test (sworn personnel only)
Practical examination (civilian personnel only)
C.V.S.A. examination
Oral Board interview
Conditional offer
Medical examination
Psychological examination
At the end of the application you will be required to submit the following:
Copy of driver's license
Social Security card
Birth certificate
High school diploma
Vehicle insurance
Military DD214
Federal Gun Control Act Qualification Form (download and complete)
Authority for Release of Information (download and complete)
To complete the application process you will be required to email the above documents to Captain Jared Rogers at rogersj@raytownpolice.org. You will have one week from the time you submit your application to email us your documents. Please note that we will ONLY accept documents in either PDF or jpeg formats. We will NOT click on any links if you send them.
If you are unable to complete the application online, a paper copy of the Application form and Employment Questionnaire is available for download. For the time being, please fill it out online. Return application and employment questionnaire either in person or by mail to 10000 E 59 St, Raytown, MO 64133.